Thursday, February 25, 2021
You are My beloved Son, or Daughter, when you receive My word and testimony about Jesus into your heart, I have begotten You again to a lively hope of living with Christ Immortal in the new heaven and new earth!
1 Peter 1:3 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, reserved in heaven (by Him) for you!”
God bless you, thank you for taking some time today, to read, meditate and reflect with me in the awesome wonder of God’s eternal plan and purpose of love for building a family in salvation, as He continues to make Himself known to all humanity by the gift of His only begotten Son into the world.
In the record of Psalm 2 God by His holy Spirit and uncreated Glory, informs the prophet about what He would say in the future from that time, to His only begotten son when he is fully mature after coming into the world, and at the beginning of His entrance into the public ministry of reconciliation.
Psalm 2:7 I will proclaim …“You are My Son; today I have become Your Father.
Mark 1:11 And a voice came from heaven: “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”
The interesting thing, as I am considering this today, is that in the prophecy, The Holy Spirit of the Uncreated Glory as He revealed to the prophet, what is, the promised WORD and LAMB as witnessed by John, hearing the conversation He would have, and did have on that day, with His beloved Son.
And as the prophet made the declaration, proclamation and decree, and as He said it, by revelation of the Holy Spirit of the everlasting God, and in the instance of His revelation, he said “TODAY” I have become Your Father in a public affirmation of My invested inheritance in You, so that everyone else may come to Me, by believing in You, and that I sent You into the world to declare the name I have given You as the sole inheritor of all that I Myself am, and have created.
Abba Father, You brought Your only begotten and ever beloved Son into the world as the author and finisher of our faith, in this way Your glory preordained for us to be brought into Your everlasting family and household of the redeemed, so that when we look up and call upon Your name, the only name given among all humanity from the beginning to the end, where by every human being ever created from Adam, for even the woman came out of his created substance, when You caused him to fall asleep in likeness to death, so You could form Eve from his created substance and before they had sinned You did as You declared in the Garden, reserve the egg for Your beloved Son to be born into the world through Mary, as a new creation lineage in separate from Adam, through the promise to deliver us from death, and give to us a new body in likeness to the resurrected body of Jesus forever.
I thank You holy Father for Your exceedingly great grace and Your supernatural glory over everyone who reads this, let them understand, and through understanding be granted to hear Your voice on the inside, of the same nature and glorious way that Jesus was conceived by Your word in Mary’s womb, for each of us are conceived in new birth by the entrance of Your everlasting word into our hearts and through faith, as given to Jesus in eternal inheritance, when also as a fully mature man, He also heard Your voice over Him confirming Him at the begin of His public ministry of reconciliation of all things to Your greater implementation of glorious plans and eternal intention towards Him and towards all of us, by raising Him from the dead, so we also may voluntarily come to You for the opportunity to take in, and receive a share in being begotten by You, by believing that Jesus Christ is Your only begotten Son, Your very WORD formed bodily in Mary’s womb, and through receiving Your WORD and testimony of Christ as entering into our own hearts, in believing that You have raised Him from the dead and seated Him in the glory of Your own throne in heaven, making intercession for us. We might also receive the same blessed hope of being rejoined to Him bodily in the universal command to immortality that will happen at the end, when You command it over all creation, that all that presently exists will be consumed and all of mortality will be swallowed up by immortality according to 1 Cor 15:26 Amen!
Mighty God deliver us from all deception and keep us by Your investment in us, Your holy Spirit and truth in veracity of Your gift available to one, and to all, through the manifestation of Christ, Your very WORD in the flesh, and the same prophetic WORD more strongly confirmed by His appearing may also be confirmed in us by entering into us, to give us new birth as separate from our natural birth in the lineage of Adam, also by voluntarily and whole heartedly calling upon Your name, praying and believing to the end! Amen, Amen!